A new collaboration between Institute of Community Directors Australia and Community Governance Aotearoa will see us engage, educate and inspire our governance communities.
Our talk “Indigenous Governance Systems lessons from Australia and New Zealand” will discuss commonalities, lessons we have learnt and values we can share with our friends from Australia.
Our panel guests are: Hemi Rolleston (Scion General Manager Te Ao Māori and Science Services), Theresa Roigard (Te Ao Māori Trustee) from Aotearoa alongside Brendan Kennedy Tati Tati and Wadi Wadi Traditional Owner and Vice Chair of Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) from Australia.
Moderated by Chief Executive, Community Governance Aotearoa Rose Hiha-Agnew and Lachlan Pollock from Institute of Community Directors Australia.
Our Community Governance Aotearoa community can access a discounted price upon registration, this talk requires a $50.00 NZ cost to attend.
Learn more about the partnership behind this event: Australia and New Zealand Partnership